I go to drawing class every afternoon. I’m planning to make Halloween cards for Teacher Rob and Teacher Doborah this week. Hope I can have time to go back DoDo to join the Halloween party, and give the cards to them. They will play games, haunted house and trick or treat! That is very fun. Past few years, when I got into the haunted house, I just screamed the whole trip, until we finished. And, the classmates always complained about me, because I was too loud. I couldn’t hold it! It made me scared and also excited. That is really fun!!


老師評:     How brave you are! I’ve never been to any haunted house~  




         元寶姑娘英文還算不錯, 運氣好的遇上了英文老師當班導, 在我的建議下, 徵詢老師是否可以用英文寫日記, 老師回答以前也有學長姐這麼做, 鼓勵的心意溢於言表, 於是姑娘開始每周挑一天寫英文日記.


         這天寫的是萬聖節; 姑娘小學時代的萬聖節, 安親班都會安排相關活動, 最高潮是由老師們設計的鬼屋, 辛苦的老師們還要扮成鬼, 來嚇嚇參加的學生與家長, 惡人沒膽的她向來是又怕又愛參加, 然後從頭到尾一路驚叫, 讓同學們抱怨不已, 不過姑娘還是樂此不疲, 這會兒還想著今年要回去參加呢!


上一篇:      元寶日記 (10/17/2012 )                                                         下一篇:      元寶日記 (2012/10/31 )


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