My favorite cartoon is Detective Conan, it’s a Japanese comic. It describes a junior high school student who helps his girl friend’s father to resolve cases. I like it very much, cause it’s cool, and Conan is just amazing! He’s very smart, kind, and helpful. The coolest things is where Conan lives, down stairs has a coffee shop, its name is Pirot. It’s a well-known detective in Agatha’s story. And another one is that Conan likes Sherlock Homles very much, so do I. I love it, maybe you should try it! It’s really good. And I’m happy cause school library has it inside!
老師評: Wow! You know a lot. It’s a good cartoon, I like it, too~
這個週末, 老師給的日記主題是"我最愛的漫畫"; 想想以前唸書時, 漫畫是老師和家長的共同敵人, 看個漫畫都要偷偷摸摸的, 上租書店更是十惡不赦的大事, 沒想到時代變遷, 如今"我最愛的漫畫"都能拿來當題目寫, 真是令我羨慕! 元寶姑娘對[柯南]漫畫的熱愛, 從我們去了三次柯南作者~青山剛昌故鄉館便可得知, 聽說老爺正在計畫寒假的第四訪, 想到漫天飛舞的雪花, 我不禁膽顫心驚了起來…
相關文章: 三訪柯南(青山剛昌)博物館
上一篇: 元寶日記 (10/25/2012 ) 下一篇: 元寶日記( 2012/11/07 )